Ability and Hope

Early On in Heaven

The Father’s sky is golden, the air pure and clean like it always is, but one can have a bit of trouble sometimes getting used to its freshness! Heavenly time will wash that earthly smell from our memory. And soon!

One’s first day here is shocking, but not in a bad way at all. We don’t miss any earthly thing; Heaven is so splendid. Earthly words don’t really begin to describe it, but I’ll do my best.

The grass is greener, the trees are taller, the bird song is sweeter, the flowers more diverse and colorful, the people are most beautiful! Most of us have crowns of white hair, just like Jesus does. Our robes sway gracefully as we walk. Homes are always the way we imagined; some have mansions, yes, for that is what suits them best. Others have little cottages on the sea of glass. Others still live in dwellings that are indescribable, just most awesome!

Jesus sits on His throne next to the Father, His robes the most magnificent of all. He chooses not to wear any of the crowns we all have bestowed upon Him; maybe a crown is too heavy a burden to carry around all the time! He comes to visit us whenever we need Him though, He always knows when that is too. All one needs do is think of Him and He is there in a flash! And He does wipe our tears, it is true.

We join Him for breakfast in the banquet hall, millions of us. We all fit and we all have plenty to enjoy eating. It is splendid fruit from the Tree of Life, of course. It will sustain us for the many hours until the Lord’s light washes over us in the evening and then God’s light returns in the morning. We won’t need or want to eat until Breakfast again, but we don’t really call it breakfast, it is simply The Meal. And it tastes divine!